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Hot Issues and Search Issues by Category

Return to homepage

- By default, the page opens and shows hot issues. Choose a category and enter `Submit` to see SMS-counts for the issues for the category

Registered issues with their short codes for sms with their support/oppose details

- Below each issue heading is written the SMS-code for supporting the issue (code ending with Y ; Note that there is a space before Y) and the SMS-code for opposing the issue (code ending with N ; Note that there is a space before N) which can be sent to this site (08141277555) after registering with the site.   Tap to Show More..

1. Transparent Complain Procedure (Life-saving ; Citizen-Verifiable) -
SMS-code for Support :   TCP Y
Numerical Support code :   0011
SMS-code for Oppose :   TCP N
Numerical Oppose code :   0012

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "description" in /home1/smstonet/public_html/mobile/search-category.php:322 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home1/smstonet/public_html/mobile/search-category.php on line 322