Citizens Verifiable System - Voter ID Opinion Internet Proof

Citizens themselves can verify the truth

Duties and rights of Citizens --- How citizens can bring positive changes in the country

These are the 7 duties and also rights of every citizen

(1) Making `Clear Cut Demands` to the public servants

(2) Discussing and deciding solution-drafts for the burning problems of the country

(3) Demanding the solution-drafts in an objective, verifiable manner and collecting proof of the head-counts of those demanding the solution-drafts via sms-orders

(4) Displaying to the public the proof of the sent `sms-orders to public servants` via internet, pamphlets, meetings etc.

(5) Vote for the candidate who promotes pro-common procedure drafts ONLY and choose NOTA if no candidate promotes any pro-common draft.

(6) Citizens should send sms-orders to MPs/MLAs to immediately make their favorite neta the PM/CM by a resolution.

(7) Citizens should inform as many other citizens as possible information FACTS about the candidates in their area to allow citizens to choose the candidate wisely.

Let us see these duties/rights in details.

(1) Making `Clear Cut Demands` to the public servants –

If the demands of the citizens are not clear cut, they will fail to bring about any positive changes in the country. If no clear cut instructions (or draft) is given in the demand and if there is no procedure in the demand by which common citizens can stop the government officials from forming nexus and misusing the proposed procedure, then this vague demand will backfire.


The netas after coming power and when pressurised, will never make a law which the citizens had in mind but will make a flawed law and say that this law was demanded by the citizens!

Example – Say if you had demanded – “Get implemented an anti-corruption law”, but you never gave the detailed instructions (=DRAFT) for the same, then corrupt netas will pass laws which will allow corrupt, influential persons to form nexuses and bypass this law. And the citizens will not have provision to stop the misuse of this flawed procedure-law.

That is why it is the prime duty and right of all citizens to give pro-common drafts for their proposals and also ask their favourite leaders to put these drafts on their website or manifesto, to ensure that the government officials implement the exact procedure which the citizens have in mind.

When any neta comes to ask your vote, then you should say to him `We will give you vote only if you have promoted good solution-drafts via your manifesto, website etc.`Only promises of neta are not enough and there is no guarantee that the netas will not break their promises once they come into power.

(2) Discussing and Deciding solution-drafts for the burning problems of the country –

Citizens should discuss and decide which solution-drafts are needed for solving the burning problems of the country. They should discuss in detail and decide which procedures will empower the common citizens.

(3) Demanding the solution-drafts in an objective, verifiable mannerand collecting proof of the head-counts of those demanding the solution-drafts via sms-orders –

Public servants cannot read the mind of the citizens. So,once the citizens decide on the pro-common solution draft needed, they should demand via sms-orders to their MP that he immediately print the solution-draft in the next gazette and also demand from the MP that he link his public mobile with his website along with citizens` voter ID so that all messages are automatically published onto the website for all to see and verify..

Demanding via sms-order is the most efficient method of demanding because a record will be created of the sent sms-orders along with citizens` voter ID, which can be cross-verified by anyone, unlike other demand and campaign methods like Anshan, dharna, letter writing, petition etc where no records of the demand are created.

If the draft is long, the citizen should upload the draft on internet or send it via mail and give the link or reference in the sms.

The citizens should also ask their favourite netas to do the same.

(4) Displaying to the public the proof of the sent `sms-orders to public servants` via internet, pamphlets, meetings etc.–

Citizens should show the proof of sent sms-orders to other citizens via FB notes, blog, meeting, pamphlets, TCP demo sites etc. so that other citizens are also inspired to do the same.

(5) Vote for the candidate who promotes pro-common procedure drafts ONLY and choose NOTA if no candidate promotes any pro-common draft –

Citizens should vote for the BEST candidate who promotes a pro-common procedure-draft by putting the draft in his manifesto, website, distributing pamphlets of the draft etc. If no candidate promotes a pro-common procedure-draft, please choose `None of The Above` (NOTA) option. Also, send sms-orders to your MP or election commissioner to get passed an ordinance that the NOTA vote total be declared in public.

(6) Citizens should send sms-orders to MPs/MLAs to immediately make their favourite neta the PM/CMby a resolution -

Citizens cannot DIRECTLY elect their favourite person as PM or CM. So, there is no guarantee that their elected MPs / MLAs will make the favourite person of the citizens as PM or CM. That is why, the citizens should send sms-orders to their public servants that their favourite neta should be immediately made the PM / CM by getting passed a resolution in parliament/assembly that their favourite neta be immediately be made PM / CM. And the public servant should vote `Yes` on that resolution. If sufficient number of citizens send such an sms, then their favourite neta will become PM / CM.

In this way, there will be no need to choose bad candidates in your area to make your favourite neta the PM or CM.

(7) Citizens should inform as many other citizens as possible FACTS about the candidates in their area to allow citizens to choose the candidate wisely–

Since paid media does not give information about all the candidates in an area to the citizens, citizens should themselves inform other citizens about all the candidates via TCP, ads, pamphlets, etc. what draft the candidate is promoting or opposing. In this way, the citizens can choose their candidates and their CM/PM wisely.

Please see some proposed pro-common procedure drafts in
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Disclaimer – This site is meant only to promote demand for TCP with SMS (Transparent Complaint-Proposal Procedure ; link – Chapter 1, ). Results may or may not be obtained via SMS campaign method depending on other factors. Those sending sms copy to this public number are fully aware that their sms content,name,voter ID,constituency,state will be shown on this website